This project shows how to access a database from web, A online store is used as an example. On executing the application, a Web page comes up and asks you for a username and password. You can create a new account or enter a username and password for an existing customer in the database, in first case the application will write the new username and password to the database.
Building and Running the Sample
To build and run this sample
Open the solution file, Tutorial.sln, in the Visual Studio development environment.
Build the solution. This will also deploy the solution to the local Web server.
Configure the data link to connect to the Tutorial.mdb database. In the sample's Tutorial\Tutorial\bin directory, double-click Tutorial.udl.
The Data Link Properties dialog box appears.
On the Provider tab, select Microsoft Jet 4.0 OLE DB Provider.
On the Connection tab, click the Ellipsis (...) button to specify the Tutorial.mdb file in the Tutorial\Tutorial\bin directory. Leave the username and password blank.
Ensure that Tutorial.mdb is not read-only. Right-click the file and select Properties. On the General tab, ensure that the Read-only check box is cleared.
Change the NTFS security settings on the Tutorial.mdb file to allow read-write access by the Internet Guest Account, IUSR_Machine. To do this:
Right-click the Tutorial.mdb file and select Properties on the shortcut menu.
In the Properties dialog box, select the Security tab and click Add.
The Select Users or Groups dialog box appears; in that dialog box, set the following:
Object Types to Users.
Locations to the local machine.
Check Names to IUSR_Machine.
Select the Internet Guest Account that you just created. In the Permissions box, select the Read and Write boxes if they are not already selected.
See ATL Server Security for information about the accounts used by a typical ATL Server application running in IIS.
Change the NTFS security settings on the folder containing Tutorial.mdb to allow only write access by IUSR_Machine, using the procedure described in Step 7.
Change the NTFS security settings on the Tutorial.udl file to allow read access by the IUSR_Machine account, using the procedure described in Step 7.
Use a Web browser to view http://localhost/tutorial/login.srf.
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